Men are now almost three times more likely to see a therapist than in 2009, according to Mind’s ‘Get it off your chest’ study. This is a move in the right direction although, according to numerous studies, men continue to struggle with mental health in silence.
Two in five men (43%) admit to regularly feeling worried or low, an increase from 37% in 2009. And yet, for many men feeling low or worried isn’t deemed important enough to act on. When men do present at their GP surgery, they are more likely to talk about their physical symptoms rather than any emotional symptoms.
Read more: A Call for Men to be Heroic about their Mental Health
Policies Page
A 'Policies' page has been added to our website. This page will be updated and will contain our client policies, as well as leaflets, and confidentiality forms. These policies, forms, and leaflets will be for clients to download and view. We trust this will make the policies more accessible and transparent for all.
Face covering policy
After much thought and discussion, as well as taking into account feedback from staff, counsellors, and clients; Catalyst has implemented a new policy regarding the wearing of face coverings.
Safety Measures
Here at Catalyst Counselling, we have been working behind the scenes in order to return gradually to seeing clients face to face. We have conducted a risk assessment, and we are Covid compliant.
Now adopted by police forces across the UK and overseas, 'Project Griffin' was developed by the City of London Police and introduced in Central London over a decade ago in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Force. It advises and trains organisations on security and counter-terrorism.
How is it that some people seem to breeze through life effortlessly?
What secret do they have that enables them to ride pressures and demands?
Sometimes from the outside it seems that other people's lives are simple and easy. We know that this is far from reality, but it sometimes does not seem so.
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